SNAPP TEAM:Andean Camelid Disease
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What management actions will promote both human livelihoods and the health of vicuñas and guanacos, in the face of disease and other threats?
Team Status: COMPLETED
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Key Products
Diseases in wild South American camelids Literature Review Datasets

A repository of databases generated from the Andrea Camelid Disease working group’s systematic review of published information on sarcoptic mange infections in South American vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) and guanaco (Lama guanicoe) populations. Database includes metadata of each source, the basic description of the methodology used, and files with the description of the information.

Addressing the impacts of sarcoptic mange in wild South American Camelids across a landscape of myths and legends

As part of the Andean Camelid Disease working group, this white paper details a systematic review of published documents (i.e., peer-reviewed publications and gray literature) and unpublished government registers from Bolivia and Peru of managed vicuñas at chaccu events to fill knowledge gaps and propose recommendations for future research and
the implementation of effective preventive and control strategies to mitigate sarcoptic mange burden within South American camelid populations.

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Chris Walzer
Wildlife Conservation Society
Paul Cross
Alynn Martin
Brandie Fariss
University of Massachusetts - Amherst/TNC
Fabian Beltran
Wildlife Conservation Society
Jose Mena
Wildlife Conservation Society
Kaitlyn Gaynor
Mariana Montoya
Wildlife Conservation Society, Peru
Robert Wallace
Wildlife Conservation Society
Steve Smith
Vetmed Vienna
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