SNAPP TEAM:Resilient Rangelands
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How can rangeland management in Kazakhstan and Mongolia harmonize conservation and agricultural development to address trade-offs presented by different development pathways?
Team Status: NEW
Team Critical Challenge:
  • Gather and analyze existing data to identify social and environmental traits of resilient rangelands facing human-induced climate change.
  • Using foresight methodologies, develop land-use scenarios with local and national stakeholders and analyze these to identify challenges and opportunities for those that rely on and/or influence these systems.
  • Illustrate the impacts of different developmental pathways on rangeland resilience through spatial maps and publishing findings in reports and papers.
  • Facilitate national stakeholder workshops to inform the development of supportive policy frameworks for sustainable rangeland management.
Alyona Koshkina
Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Kazakhstan, Altyn Dala Conservation Initiative
Michele Bowe
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Altyn Dala Conservation Initiative
Sonor Tserennadmid
Wildlife Conservation Society
Adam Devenish
Royal Botanical Gardens Kew
EJ Milner-Gulland
University of Oxford
Gerlee Puntsag
Henryk Alff
German-Kazakh University
Hijaba Ykhanbai
Central Asia/Mongolia Regional IYRP Working Group, JASIL
Ilya Smelansky
Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Kazakhstan, Altyn Dala Conservation Initiative
Johannes Kamp
Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
Navinder Singh
Swedish Landuse University
Sarah Robinson
Justus Liebig University, Giessen and SDGnexus Network
Serik Orazgaliyev
Nazarbayev University and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
Steffen Zuther
Frankfurt Zoological Society, Altyn Dala Conservation Initiviative
Uyanga Ariya
The Nature Conservancy
Viktoriya Krylova
German-Kazakh University
Zhanyl Bozayeva
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SNAPP TEAM:Monitoring Restoration Effectiveness
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Can long-term restoration outcomes be predicted from short-term data? How long should we track restoration projects to verify their success?
Team Status: NEW
Team Critical Challenge:
Jennfier Powers
University of Minnesota
Laura Toro
Missouri Botanical Garden
Leland Werden
ETH Zurich
Cristy Portales-Reyes
Saint Louis University
David Reyes
Ministerio de Ambiente y Energia, Costa Rica
Depi Susilawati
Australian National University
Isabel Hillman
Conservation International
Juliana Delgado
The Nature Conservancy
Pooja Choksi
University of Minnesota
Sara Löfqvist
ETH Zurich
Selene Torres
Wildlife Conservation Society
Shalom Addo-Danso
Forest Research Institute of Ghana
Silvia Secchi
University of Iowa
Zak Zahawi
Charles Darwin Foundation
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SNAPP TEAM:Salmon, Forests, and Fire
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How are salmon likely to respond to fire and forest management practices aimed at fostering resilience to fire? How can this inform management in the context of changing climate and increasing fire activity?
Team Status: NEW
Team Critical Challenge:
Ailene Ettinger
The Nature Conservancy
Elaine Harvey
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
Brian Harvey
University of Washington
Ellen Wohl
Colorado State University
Arianna Goodman
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Brooke Penaluna
United States Forest Service
Clint Chandler
Nez Perce Tribe
David Roon
Oregon State University
Emily Howe
The Nature Conservancy
Jamie Robertson
The Nature Conservancy
Maia Murphy-Williams
The Nature Conservancy
Max Lambert
The Nature Conservancy
Michael Case
The Nature Conservancy
Michele Buonanduci
The Nature Conservancy & University of Washington
Philip North
Tulalip Tribes
Rebecca Flitcroft
United States Forest Service
Zoe Hanley
The Nature Conservancy
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SNAPP TEAM:Sharing the Benefits of Conservation
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How can the benefits and revenues from conservation be shared with Indigenous Peoples and local communities in a manner that upholds rights, addresses power imbalances, and recognizes different perspectives and priorities?
Team Status: NEW
Team Critical Challenge:
Emiel de Lange
Wildlife Conservation Society
Allison Lewin
The Nature Conservancy
Regan Pairojmahakij
The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC)
Beto Borges
Forest Trends' Communities and Territorial Governance Initiative
Brian Williams
Wildlife Works
Grace Balawag
Tebtebba Foundation
Grace Wong
Kyoto University/Stockholm Resilience Centre
Helen Newing
Forest People's Programme/University of Oxford
Henry Travers
Oxford University
Josh Tosteson
Joshua Okumu
The Nature Conservancy
Nisha Onta
Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
Paulo Santos
Monash University
Rane Cortez
The Nature Conservancy
Rebecca Iwerks
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SNAPP TEAM:African Swine Fever in South-East Asia
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How can African Swine Fever be detected, prevented, and controlled in endemic and endangered wild pig populations, vital to ecosystems and rural communities?
Team Status: ONGOING
Team Critical Challenge:
Ahmad Faisal
Wildlife Conservation Society, Indonesia
Caitlin Holley
World Organization for Animal Health
Emily Denstedt
Wildlife Conservation Society
Johanna Rode-Margono
International Union for Conservation of Nature Species Survival Comission Wild Pig Specialist Group
Larasati Simatupang
Catalyze Communications
Maria Puspa Kartika
Alam Sehat Lestari
Mark Rayan
Wildlife Conservation Society, Malaysia
Mohammad Rifqi
Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara
Patipat Susumpao
Opendream Co.
Ulfah Mardhiah
Wildlife Conservation Society, Indonesia
Yooni Oh
Food and Agriculture Organization
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SNAPP TEAM:Deterring Wildlife Crime
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Do deterrence strategies work to prevent wildlife trafficking?
Team Status: ONGOING
Team Critical Challenge:
Damian Weekers
Wildlife Conservation Society
Gohar A. Petrossian
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
Abim Isafiade
Wildlife Justice Commission
Andre Costa
Brazil Federal Police
Andrea Pizzarro
Fauna and Flora International
Andrew Lemieux
Lead Ranger
Charles A. Emogor
University of Cambridge
Hai Thanh Luong
Griffith University
Hoang Hai Yen
Hanoi Procuratorate University
Julie Viollaz
Fauna and Flora International
Noah Cohen
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Rob Pickles
Scott Roberton
Wildlife Conservation Society
Simon Wankyo
Tanzanian Government
Stephen Pires
Florida International University
Ulhas Gondhali
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
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SNAPP TEAM:CBNRM Governance & Economics
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How can Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) institutions be re-built to strengthen the social fabric of rural communities and expand the wildlife economy to address multi-dimensional poverty?
Team Status: NEW
Team Critical Challenge:
Brian Child
University of Florida
Patricia Mupeta-Muyama
The Nature Conservancy
Rodgers Lubilo
Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa
Aaron King
University of Florida
Alex Chidakel
University of Florida
Craig Bruce
Jamma International
Hayley Clements
University of Stellenbosch
Hilma Angula
NACSO Institutional Development Working Group
Jose Montiero
CBRNM Network
Meshurie Melembuki
The Nature Conservancy
Michelle Wieland
Wildlife Conservation Society
Ronnie Dempers
NACSO / Namibia Development Trust
Sean Nazireli
BioFund, Mozambique
Shylock Muyengwa
Resource Africa
Simon Munthali
The Nature Conservancy
Siyoka Simasiku
Ngamiland Council of NGOs NCONGO
Tanyaradza Mudonga
Ministry of Environment, Zimbabwe
Tiego Nanzilo
Wildlife Conservation Society
Tierney Shimansky
University of Florida
Tom Lolosoli
The Nature Conservancy
Valerio Macandza
Eduardo Mondlane University
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SNAPP TEAM:Sustainable Cattle Ranching in Colombia
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What are the real-world social-ecological outcomes of silvopasture transformation in Colombia? How can this evidence be utilized to inform farm planning tools and policy targets to benefit nature, climate, and human wellbeing?
Team Status: NEW
Team Critical Challenge:
Key Products
Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture

Strategies to diversify farming systems by managing multiple species, incorporating areas of noncrop vegetation, or conserving soil or water have been posed as ways of countering the negative environmental effects of simplified agriculture. This paper from SNAPP’s Sustainable Cattle Ranching working group finds that implementing livestock diversification or soil conservation benefits social and environmental outcomes, especially for biodiversity.

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Christina Kennedy
The Nature Conservancy
Manuel Gómez Vivas
Colombian Federation of Ranchers (FEDEGAN)
Jose Manuel Ochoa-Quintero
Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute
Aaron Skinner
University of British Columbia
Arturo González Alvarado
Colombian Dung Beetle Collection
Camila Rodriguez
The Nature Conservancy
Carol Tatiana Chamorro Vargas
University of British Columbia
Cecilia Medina Prieto
Colombia Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Claire Kremen
University of British Columbia
German Forero-Medina
Wildlife Conservation Society
Jacobo Arango
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), CGIAR Initiative of Livestock and Climate
Julián Chará
Center for Research on Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems (CIPAV)
Julian Rode
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ
Juliana Delgado
The Nature Conservancy
Karin Frank
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ
Liliana Mahecha
Universidad de Antioquia
Lucas Garibaldi
Universidad Nacional de Río Negro
Maria Alejandra Chadid
The Nature Conservancy
Maria Jimena Esquivel
Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute
Seth Morgan
The Nature Conservancy
Silvia Alvaréz
Wildlife Conservation Society
Tatiana Rodriguez
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ
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SNAPP TEAM:Sustainable Wild Meat Management
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How can Central African wild meat policies be adapted and strengthened to support sustainable use and ensure the persistence of Central Africa’s wildlife?
Team Status: COMPLETED
Team Critical Challenge:
Lauren Coad
Oxford University, United Kingdom and Center for International Forestry Research
Eric Djomo Nana
Oxford University, United Kingdom and Institute of Agicultural Research for Development, Cameroon
Demetrio Bocuma Meñe
Central Africa Bushmeat Action Group, Equatorial Guinea
Donald Midoko Iponga
Research Institute for Tropical Ecology
Eric Kaba Tah
Central Africa Bushmeat Action Group, Cameroon
Eugenio Sartoretto
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy
Hadrien Vanthomme
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development, Gabon
Henry Travers
Oxford University
Juliet Wright
Wildlife Conservation Society, Democratic Republic of Congo
Katharine Abernethy
University of Stirling
Kevin Y. Njabo
Congo Basin Institute, Cameroon
Krossy Mavakala
Regional Post-Graduate Training School on Integrated Management of Tropical Forests and Lands (ERAIFT)
Laurence Wete Soh
Forêts et Développement Rural, Cameroon
Luc Evouna
Action for Wildlife Trade, Cameroon
Paulin Polepole
Wildlife Conservation Society, Democratic Republic of Congo
Robert Mwinyihali
Wildlife Conservation Society, Democratic Republic of Congo
Sandra Ratiarison
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Gabon
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SNAPP TEAM:The Social Implications of 30×30
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What are the implications for resident people of plans to greatly increase global protected and conserved area coverage, and how might these be addressed to maximize positive outcomes for nature and society?
Team Status: ONGOING
Team Critical Challenge:
  1. New analysis of the potential social impacts of 30×30 at global level, under various scenarios for implementation. This will include analysis of affected populations disaggregated as far as possible by wealth, ethnicity, voice in decision making and other important social variables.
  2. A more detailed analysis of one case study country (likely to be in Central Africa).
  3. Feasible proposals for how 30×30 could be implemented at the country level in a way that maximises social benefits while minimising social harms, co-developed with implementation partners.
  4. Improved dialogue and a strong foundation for future inter-disciplinary and cross-sectoral research collaboration between people with different perspectives on area-based conservation.
Key Products
Social considerations are crucial to success in implementing the 30×30 global conservation target

This correspondence outlines the critical need for the implementation of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s Target 3 of the Global Biodiversity Framework (protecting 30% of the earth by 2030) to focus on national and sub-national analyses, research questions designed by place-based coalitions, comparative analyses of multiple countries, better social indicators (relating to rights, participation, justice, or financing) and research and support for political mobilization.

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Chris Sandbrook
University of Cambridge
Achilles Byaruhanga
Alain Frechette
Rights and Resources Initiative
Ameyali Ramos
ICCA Consortium & IUCN Commission on Environment, Economic and Social Policy
Becky Chaplin Kramer
Stanford University
Brian O’Donnell
Campaign for Nature
Carolina Hazin
The Nature Conservancy
Casey Ryan
University of Edinburgh
Charles Tumwesigye
Uganda Wildlife Authority
Dan Brockington
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
David Mwesigye Tumusiime
Makerere University
Edna Kaptoyo
Pawanka Fund
Forrest Fleischmann
University of Minnesota
Fred Onyai
National Consultant for CCAC/UNEP
Gary Watmough
University of Edinburgh
Heather Bingham
UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre
James Allan
McKinsey and Company
James Fitzsimons
The Nature Conservancy
Jasmin Upton
UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Javier Fajardo
Cambridge University
Josefa Tauli
Global Youth Biodiversity Network
Julie G. Zähringer
Wyss Academy for Nature and Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern
Madhu Rao
IUCN WCPA & Wildlife Conservation Society
Marion Pfeifer
University of Newcastle
Milagre Nuvunga
Micaia Foundation
Mônica Vilaça da Silva
The Nature Conservancy
Neema Pathak Broome
Pauline Nantongo
Phil Franks
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Priya Shyamsundar
The Nature Conservancy
Q”apaj Conde
UN Convention on Biological Diversity Secretariat
Rachael Garrett
ETH Zurich
Rose Pritchard
University of Manchester
Ruth Pinto
International Institute for Environment and Development
Shenique Albury-Smith
The Nature Conservancy
Thomas Worsdell
Amazon Frontlines
Tobias Kuemmerle
Humboldt University of Berlin
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