SNAPP TEAM:Natural Resource Governance
What practical guidance can help strengthen community-level natural resource governance systems?

In recent years there has been an encouraging shift within the conservation community away from top-down, government-run, exclusionary protected areas, towards a recognition of and support for the effective stewardship of nature by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs). A key part of this positive trend is increasing investment by civil society groups in support of IPLC efforts to steward their lands and waters through effective governance and management of the access and use of natural resources.

However, there remains gaps in our knowledge and understanding of a) what factors are requisites for effective community-level governance and how we might measure changes in these factors over time, and b) how IPLCs and their supporters may take practical actions to strengthen community-level governance systems to deliver effective stewardship in an uncertain future. This SNAPP working group aims to fill these knowledge gaps and help communities strengthen their governance systems and enable more effective and sustainable management of natural resources under their jurisdiction.


OUR APPROACH: This working group will synthesize decades of case studies about  Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ efforts to attain the authority, capacity and power they need to govern access to and use of natural resources within their lands and waters effectively.

This working group is supported through the generosity of the Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies to advance Indigenous Peoples and Local Community-leadership in conserving the planet’s natural patrimony.

Team Status: COMPLETED
Team Critical Challenge: Social Innovations
Key Products
A Gateway to Proven, Practical, Guidance and Use Cases

Drawing on lessons learned from decades of on-the-ground experience and informed by evolving theories of collective action and common pool resource management, the group identified enabling factors for effective community-led natural resource governance and compiled guidance materials and created tools to help communities and their support partners establish those enabling conditions that are lacking.

Consensus Statement: The Meaning of Community and of Governance

This consensus statement defines effective and equitable community-level natural resource governance and identifies factors that help or hinder this approach in practices.

Click here to see more products from this SNAPP Team
Barbara Nakangu
WWF Netherlands
Erica Rieder
North Carolina State University
David Wilkie
Wildlife Conservation Society
Alex Barrett
Fauna & Flora International
Jessica Campese
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Commission on Environment, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
Jayanand Derekar
Kunabi Indigenous Peoples India
Ian Deshmukh
Diane Detoeuf
Wildlife Conservation Society
Caitlin Doughty
The Nature Conservancy
Phil Franks
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Maria Honig
World Wildlife Fund
Ashish John
Wildlife Conservation Society - Cambodia
Justin Kenrick
Forest Peoples Program
Stephany Kersten
Well Grounded
Heidi Kretser
Wildlife Conservation Society
Katie Lee-Brooks
Fauna & Flora International
Zulema Lehm
Wildlife Conservation Society - Bolivia
Yuta Masuda
The Nature Conservancy
Enkhtuya Oidov
The Nature Conservancy – Mongolia
Michael Painter
Wildlife Conservation Society
Jesse Ribot
American University
Chrissy Schwinn
The Nature Conservancy
Basilia Shivute
Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC) Namibia
Hermine Tuekam Kouam
Well Grounded
Michelle Wieland
Wildlife Conservation Society
Lauren Williams
TetraTech/World Resource Institute (WRI)
Peter Zahler
Woodland Park Zoo
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