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Our work is solution-driven — whether we are influencing policy change, sharing our research in popular magazines, introducing new decision-making tools, or providing guidance documents to the conservation and development communities.

Our teams have published high-impact science papers that have influenced the way global leaders like the World Bank and re-insurance industry think about nature’s role in the protection of people. High-profile news coverage of our ivory trade research in National Geographic and Time magazines helped push the Chinese government to consider economics in their recent ban on the ivory trade. Our teams create easy-to-use interactive online tools like the Evidence for Nature and People Data Portal and FishPath.

You’ll find our complete list of solutions below.

Solution Name View by Most Recent Type SNAPP Team
Mapping the pathways to advance global wildlife health surveillance Aug 9, 2024 News coverage Wildlife Health Intelligence Network
Coastal Pollution Toolkit Aug 1, 2024 Technical guidelines Improving Coastal Health
The patchwork governance of ecologically available water: A case study in the Upper Missouri Headwaters, Montana, United States Jul 10, 2024 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Drought
AgEvidence: a dataset to explore agro-ecological effects of conservation agriculture Jun 10, 2024 Article Managing Soil Organic Carbon
Smallholder participation in zero-deforestation supply chain initiatives in the Indonesian palm oil sector: Challenges, opportunities, and limitations May 24, 2024 Peer-reviewed paper Zero Deforestation Landscapes
Development of a decision-support system to select nature-based solutions for domestic wastewater treatment Mar 27, 2024 Article Water Sanitation and Nature
SANNAT Tool Mar 27, 2024 Interactive online tool Water Sanitation and Nature
Evidence gaps and diversity among potential win–win solutions for conservation and human infectious disease control Feb 27, 2024 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Levers for Health
Building Resilience of Vulnerable Communities to Climate Variability in Rwanda’s Congo Nile Divide through Forest and Landscape Restoration Jan 31, 2024 SNAPP spinoff initiative Rwanda Natural Capital Accounting
Quantifying the smoke-related public health trade-offs of forest management Dec 28, 2023 Article Wildfires and Human Health
Exploring the relationship between plural values of nature, human well-being, and conservation and development intervention: Why it matters and how to do it? Dec 19, 2023 Article Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Advancing the community health vulnerability index for wildland fire smoke exposure Oct 25, 2023 Peer-reviewed paper Wildfires and Human Health
A Guide for Integrated Conservation & Sanitation Programs and Approaches Oct 17, 2023 Technical guidelines Improving Coastal Health
Supporting Equitable Land Management Decisions Through the Characterization of Different Sources of Smoke Exposure for At-Risk Communities Oct 2, 2023 Peer-reviewed paper Wildfires and Human Health
Diverse pathways for climate resilience in marine fishery systems Sep 28, 2023 Peer-reviewed paper Climate Resilient Fisheries
Effects of management objectives and rules on marine conservation outcomes Sep 21, 2023 Peer-reviewed paper Coastal Outcomes
A Gateway to Proven, Practical, Guidance and Use Cases Sep 14, 2023 Interactive online tool Natural Resource Governance
Triple exposure: Reducing negative impacts of climate change, blue growth, and conservation on coastal communities Aug 18, 2023 Article Coastal Outcomes
Avoiding the misuse of other effective area-based conservation measures in the wake of the blue economy Aug 18, 2023 Article Coastal Outcomes
Addressing the impacts of sarcoptic mange in wild South American Camelids across a landscape of myths and legends Jun 29, 2023 Article Andean Camelid Disease
Diseases in wild South American camelids Literature Review Datasets Jun 29, 2023 Public database Andean Camelid Disease
New Standard in China Launched for Financial Institutions on Biodiversity Risk Management Apr 17, 2023 News coverage BRI Biodiversity Toolkit
Social considerations are crucial to success in implementing the 30×30 global conservation target Apr 14, 2023 Article The Social Implications of 30×30
Ecological Drought Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation (ecoDIVA) Framework Apr 3, 2023 Technical guidelines Ecological Drought
Mobilizing through dialogue: Building interdiscplinary partnerships among forest health, wildland fire, and public health sector to find solutions to address the impact of wildland fire smoke on communities Mar 22, 2023 Article Wildfires and Human Health
Op-Ed: There’s one big climate fight that California is losing Feb 17, 2023 Article Advancing Coastal Defenses
How Can Fisheries Weather Climate Change? New Tool Offers Guidance Jan 26, 2023 Blog Climate Resilient Fisheries
Press Release: SNAPP Working Group Launches New Climate-Resilient Fisheries Planning Tool Jan 26, 2023 Article Climate Resilient Fisheries
Conservation aquaculture as a tool for imperiled marine species: Evaluation of opportunities and risks for Olympia oysters, Ostrea lurida Jan 17, 2023 Article Conservation Aquaculture
Blog: Can We Save the Olympic Oyster by Eating It? Jan 17, 2023 Blog Conservation Aquaculture
The FishPath approach for fisheries management in a data- and capacity-limited world Jan 5, 2023 Article Data-limited Fisheries
Charting the value and limits of other effective conservation measures (OECMs) for marine conservation: A Delphi study Nov 21, 2022 Article Coastal Outcomes
Managing Watersheds for Coral Reefs and Public Health: A Vibrant Oceans Initiative Whitepaper Sep 7, 2022 Technical guidelines Improving Coastal Health
Co-production of knowledge and strategies to support climate resilient fisheries Sep 7, 2022 Article Climate Resilient Fisheries
New Policy Tool Could Represent Sea Change for Coral Reef Conservation Sep 7, 2022 Blog Coastal Outcomes
Wildfire, Smoke Exposure, Human Health, and Environmental Justice Need to be Integrated into Forest Restoration and Management Jun 3, 2022 Blog Wildfires and Human Health
Maps of predicted soil organic carbon content and stock in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Feb 18, 2022 Public database Land Use Change in the Orinoquía
Equitable and effective area-based conservation: towards the conserved areas paradigm Feb 18, 2022 Article Coastal Outcomes
OECM concept may bring more inclusive approach to conserving biodiversity Feb 18, 2022 News coverage Coastal Outcomes
Consensus Statement: The Meaning of Community and of Governance Jan 27, 2022 Technical guidelines Natural Resource Governance
Engagement Workshop Summary Jan 10, 2022 Symposium Wildfires and Human Health
Living with Fire: Collaborative Partnerships for Forest and Public Health Dec 21, 2021 Article Wildfires and Human Health
Understanding Policy Leverage Points for Integrating Public Health and Increased Use of Prescribed Burning in California, Oregon, and Washington Dec 21, 2021 Technical report Wildfires and Human Health
Integration of Forest, Fires & Human Health Dec 21, 2021 Technical report Wildfires and Human Health
Approximating Soil Organic Carbon Stock in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Dec 15, 2021 Peer-reviewed paper Land Use Change in the Orinoquía
Hydrological Modeling for Multifunctional Landscape Planning in Colombian Orinoquía Dec 2, 2021 Peer-reviewed paper Land Use Change in the Orinoquía
New holistic framework to assess the resilience of fisheries in a climate-changed world Nov 30, 2021 Article Climate Resilient Fisheries
Mapping Monitoring Zero-Deforestation Commitments Sep 13, 2021 Blog Zero Deforestation Landscapes
Updated open-source data for Pan-Amazon Basins Sep 13, 2021 Public database Amazon Waters
Nature Based Solutions for Wastewater Treatment Aug 18, 2021 Book Water Sanitation and Nature
Biological Conservation article: Human health and conservation sectors must work together to counter a shared threat: our global sanitation crisis Aug 18, 2021 Article Water Sanitation and Nature
OpEd: Building Back Better and Greener: Embracing Nature-Based Solutions for Water Aug 18, 2021 Blog Water Flow Impact
Biodiversity needs every tool in the box: use OECMs Aug 18, 2021 Article Coastal Outcomes
Literature Review Datasets Jun 1, 2021 Public database Water Flow Impact
Nature-Based Solutions and Water Security Jun 1, 2021 Blog Water Flow Impact
Navigating the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future Jun 1, 2021 Video Water Flow Impact
Assessing the water quantity benefits that flow from nature-based solutions Jun 1, 2021 Interactive online tool Water Flow Impact
SWVA Grant Competition for Eco Friendly Econ Dev Proposals May 26, 2021 SNAPP spinoff initiative Appalachian Coalfields
Conservancy charts a solar showcase on the coalfields of Central Appalachia May 26, 2021 News coverage Appalachian Coalfields
Transitioning the Appalachian Economy May 26, 2021 Blog Appalachian Coalfields
In Common podcast episode 026: Emily & Georgina on inclusion and transdisciplinarity May 13, 2021 News coverage Coastal Outcomes
Aquatic macrophytes and macroinvertebrate predators affect densities of snail hosts and local production of schistosome cercariae that cause human schistosomiasis May 13, 2021 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Levers for Health
Integrating Ecological Impacts: Perspectives on Drought in the Upper Missouri Headwaters, Montana, United States Apr 23, 2021 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Drought
Soil organic matter protects US maize yields and lowers crop insurance payouts under drought Apr 23, 2021 Peer-reviewed paper Managing Soil Organic Carbon
The sound of logging: Tropical forest soundscape before, during, and after selective timber extraction Apr 21, 2021 Peer-reviewed paper Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Sewage pollution, declining ecosystem health, and cross-sector collaboration Mar 16, 2021 Peer-reviewed paper Water Sanitation and Nature
Learning to Live with Fire Feb 2, 2021 Policy brief Wildfires and Human Health
Global trends in status and management of assessed stocks: achieving sustainable fisheries through effective management Jan 26, 2021 Technical report Fisheries Measures
Identifying management actions that promote sustainable fisheries Jan 26, 2021 Peer-reviewed paper Fisheries Measures
Improving rural health care reduces illegal logging and conserves carbon in a tropical forest Nov 19, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Levers for Health
How to identify win–win interventions that benefit human health and conservation Nov 19, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Levers for Health
Improving rural health care reduces illegal logging and conserves carbon in a tropical forest Oct 26, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Levers for Health
AgEvidence Sep 21, 2020 Interactive online tool Managing Soil Organic Carbon
Linear infrastructure severely affects large forest patches in India Aug 12, 2020 Blog Landscape Connectivity in India
Navigating paved paradise: Evaluating landscape permeability to movement for large mammals in two conservation priority landscapes in India Jul 8, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Landscape Connectivity in India
Creating a space for place and multidimensional well-being: lessons learned from localizing the SDGs Jul 7, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Nature Based Solutions: Engineering Approaches to Integrating Green and Grey Infrastructure From Catchment to Consumer Jul 6, 2020 Management plan Water Sanitation and Nature
COST Action “Implementing nature based solutions for creating a resourceful circular city” Jul 6, 2020 Interactive online tool Water Sanitation and Nature
From Killer Roads to Humane Highways Jul 6, 2020 Video Landscape Connectivity in India
Planning for ecological drought: integrating ecosystem services and vulnerability assessment Jul 6, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Drought
Ecological Drought: Accounting for the Non-Human Impacts of Water Shortage in the Upper Missouri Headwaters Basin, Montana, USA Jul 6, 2020 Blog Ecological Drought
Ensuring no net loss for people as well as biodiversity: good practice principles Jul 6, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Compensatory Conservation
Protected land: Many factors shape success Jul 6, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Nā Kilo ʻĀina: Visions of Biocultural Restoration through Indigenous Relationships between People and Place Jul 6, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Linking Land and Sea through Collaborative Research to Inform Contemporary applications of Traditional Resource Management in Hawai‘i Jul 6, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Effective Biodiversity Conservation Requires Dynamic, Pluralistic, Partnership-Based Approaches Jul 6, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Biocultural Restoration of Traditional Agriculture: Cultural, Environmental, and Economic Outcomes of Lo‘i Kalo Restoration in He‘eia, O‘ahu Jul 6, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Developing biocultural indicators for resource management Jul 6, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Try, try again: Lessons learned from success and failure in participatory modeling Jul 6, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Global meta-analysis of the relationship between soil organic matter and crop yields Jul 6, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Managing Soil Organic Carbon
Larger gains from improved management over sparing–sharing for tropical forests Jul 2, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Organic amendment additions to rangelands: A meta‐analysis of multiple ecosystem outcomes Jul 2, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Managing Soil Organic Carbon
Opportunities for natural infrastructure to improve urban water security in Latin America Jul 2, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Water Security
A guide to modelling priorities for managing land‐based impacts on coastal ecosystems Jul 2, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Ridges To Reefs Fisheries
Increasing soil organic matter can close global yield gaps Jul 2, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Managing Soil Organic Carbon
Single species conservation as an umbrella for management of landscape threats Jul 2, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Better Land Use
Land cover change maps for Mato Grosso State in Brazil: 2001-2016 Jul 2, 2020 Public database Better Land Use
Local conditions and policy design determine whether ecological compensation can achieve No Net Loss goals Jul 1, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Compensatory Conservation
Bits and pieces: Forest fragmentation by linear intrusions in India Jul 1, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Landscape Connectivity in India
AgEvidence Tool Jul 1, 2020 Interactive online tool Managing Soil Organic Carbon
Strengthen causal models for better conservation outcomes for human well-being Jul 1, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Evidence-based Conservation
Eradication of Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus and the Wildlife-Livestock Interface Jul 1, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Steppe Health
Local adaptation responses to coastal hazards in small island communities: insights from 4 Pacific nations Jul 1, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Coastal Defenses
“An alternative to biodiversity offsets: Target-based ecological compensation” Animated video explanation of the approach Jul 1, 2020 Video Compensatory Conservation
Supporting evidence varies for rangeland management practices that seek to improve soil properties and forage production in California Jul 1, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Managing Soil Organic Carbon
The global flood protection savings provided by coral reefs Jun 30, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Coastal Defenses
Comparing the cost effectiveness of nature-based and coastal adaptation: A case study from the Gulf Coast of the United States Jun 29, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Coastal Defenses
Comparative terrestrial feed and land use of an aquaculture-dominant world Jun 29, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Better Land Use
Rivers are social-ecological systems: Time to integrate human dimensions into riverscape ecology and management Jun 29, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Drought
FishPath website Jun 22, 2020 Interactive online tool Data-limited Fisheries
Improving scientific impact: How to practice science that influences environmental policy and management Jun 22, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Managing Soil Organic Carbon
Food and forests: understanding agriculture and conservation trade-offs in Ghana (Briefing) Jun 10, 2020 Technical report Food and Forests in Africa
Food and Forests: understanding agriculture and conservation trade-offs in Zambia (Briefing) Jun 10, 2020 Technical report Food and Forests in Africa
Food and forests: understanding agriculture and conservation trade-offs in Ethiopia (Briefing) Jun 10, 2020 Technical report Food and Forests in Africa
Economic, land use, and ecosystem services impacts of Rwanda’s Green Growth Strategy: An application of the IEEM+ESM platform May 4, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Rwanda Natural Capital Accounting
An alternative to biodiversity offsets: Target-based ecological compensation Video Feb 14, 2020 Video Compensatory Conservation
IUCN Blog Post: Biodiversity offsetting is contentious: here’s an alternative Feb 14, 2020 Blog Compensatory Conservation
Media Release: Biodiversity offsetting is contentious – here’s an alternative Feb 13, 2020 News coverage Compensatory Conservation
Implementing Culturally Attuned Monitoring and Reporting Indicators Jan 28, 2020 Interactive online tool Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Outbreak of Peste des Petits Ruminants among Critically Endangered Mongolian Saiga and Other Wild Ungulates Jan 28, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Steppe Health
Societal Factors Key to Landscape-Scale Coastal Restoration: Lessons Learned from Three U.S. Case Studies Jan 28, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Coastal Restoration
Orinoquía Dashboard Jan 23, 2020 Public database Land Use Change in the Orinoquía
Minimising biodiversity and ecosystem service loss in an intact landscape at risk of agricultural development Jan 23, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Land Use Change in the Orinoquía
Agriculture, nature conservation or both? Managing trade-offs and synergies in sub-Saharan Africa Jan 7, 2020 Peer-reviewed paper Food and Forests in Africa
Conservation versus food production in Africa: better managing trade-offs (Briefing) Jan 7, 2020 Technical report Food and Forests in Africa
Global goal for no net loss of natural resources Dec 17, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Compensatory Conservation
Moving from biodiversity offsets to a target‐based approach for ecological compensation Dec 17, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Compensatory Conservation
Towards ecosystem accounts for Rwanda: Tracking 25 years of change in flows and potential supply of ecosystem services Dec 10, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Rwanda Natural Capital Accounting
Targeting restoration sites to improve connectivity in a tiger conservation landscape in India Nov 18, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Landscape Connectivity in India
Soil Carbon Science for Policy and Practice Nov 18, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Managing Soil Organic Carbon
Voluntary Restoration: Mitigation’s Silent Partner in the Quest to Reverse Coastal Wetland Loss in the USA Nov 9, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Coastal Restoration
Investing in Natural and Nature-Based Infrastructure: Building Better Along Our Coasts Nov 9, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Coastal Restoration
India Under Construction Nov 8, 2019 Public database Landscape Connectivity in India
Restoration sites to improve connectivity in a landscape Nov 8, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Landscape Connectivity in India
Water Transaction Evaluation Sep 9, 2019 Interactive online tool Sharing Water
Creating enabling conditions for managing trade-offs between food production and forest conservation in Africa: Case studies from Ethiopia and Zambia Aug 30, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Food and Forests in Africa
Ecological interventions to prevent and manage zoonotic pathogen spillover Aug 30, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Levers for Health
Facilitating nature-based solutions for urban water sanitation Aug 23, 2019 Technical report Water Sanitation and Nature
Embedding nature-based solutions into circular economies Aug 23, 2019 Interactive online tool Water Sanitation and Nature
From Zero Deforestation Commitments to a Zero Deforestation Reality?! Aug 23, 2019 Letter of interest Zero Deforestation Landscapes
Modeling forage fish population dynamics Aug 23, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Fisheries Measures
Better accounting for non-human water needs in drought planning Aug 23, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Drought
Improved forest management produces larger gains for endangered species than sparing and sharing Aug 23, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Blocking soy cultivation in the Cerrado ecosystem could protect almost 4 million hectares Aug 23, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Better Land Use
Protecting one threatened species can effectively protect others Aug 23, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Better Land Use
Deciding whether to invest in green infrastructure Aug 23, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Water Security
Building land-sea interactions into planning tools Aug 23, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Ridges To Reefs Fisheries
Trade-offs in applying organic waste to land Aug 22, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Managing Soil Organic Carbon
Links between public health and food production Aug 22, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Levers for Health
Global analysis of the relationship between soil organic matter and crop yields Aug 22, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Managing Soil Organic Carbon
Danger posed to wildlife by roads Aug 22, 2019 Video Landscape Connectivity in India
Social impacts of biodiversity loss Aug 22, 2019 Technical guidelines Compensatory Conservation
Ecosystem services for human health in Oceania Aug 20, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Representative resource management Aug 20, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Local perspectives in protected area design Aug 20, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Equitable outcomes of ecological restoration Aug 20, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Linking land and sea through inclusive research Aug 20, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Advancing principles of biodiversity conservation Aug 20, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Agricultural restoration benefits to communities on O’ahu Aug 20, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Lessons learned from participatory modeling Aug 20, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
PPR virus threatens wildlife conservation Aug 19, 2019 Letter of interest Steppe Health
Developing biocultural indicators Aug 19, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
FishPath Jul 3, 2019 SNAPP spinoff initiative Data-limited Fisheries
Social and environmental trade-offs in African agriculture (SENTINEL) Jul 3, 2019 SNAPP spinoff initiative Food and Forests in Africa
Water Transactions for Streamflow Restoration, Water Supply Reliability, and Rural Economic Vitality in the Western United States Jun 6, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Sharing Water
Expanding the Soy Moratorium to Brazil’s Cerrado Jun 3, 2019 Peer-reviewed paper Better Land Use
Research Brief: the Role of Wildfire in Forested Landscapes of the Western US Oct 19, 2018 Technical guidelines Fire Research Consensus
Project Charter Oct 3, 2018 Technical report Fire Research Consensus
Statement of Common Ground Regarding the Role of Wildfire in Forests of the Western US Oct 3, 2018 Technical report Fire Research Consensus
Unintended habitat loss on private land from grazing restrictions on public rangelands Oct 1, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Better Land Use
Mapping the global potential for marine aquaculture Sep 12, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Open Ocean Aquaculture
Conservation Aquaculture Research Team (CART) Sep 12, 2018 SNAPP spinoff initiative Open Ocean Aquaculture
The Case for Fish Farming Sep 12, 2018 TED Talk Open Ocean Aquaculture
Ocean Prosperity Roadmap Webinar: Fisheries and Beyond Sep 11, 2018 Video Fisheries Measures
Effects of biological, economic and management factors on tuna and billfish stock status Sep 11, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Fisheries Measures
Global fishery prospects under contrasting management regimes Sep 11, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Fisheries Measures
Financing the sustainable management of Rwanda’s protected areas Sep 11, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Rwanda Natural Capital Accounting
Biocultural approaches to developing well-being indicators in Solomon Islands Sep 11, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Culturally Grounded Indicators of Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems Sep 11, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
How to assess the interconnected goals of sustainability and well-being across scales Sep 11, 2018 Blog Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Biocultural approaches to well-being and sustainability indicators across scales Sep 11, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Fighting poverty with synthesis science Sep 11, 2018 News coverage Ecological Levers for Health
Conservation policy in the spotlight Sep 10, 2018 News coverage Compensatory Conservation
Opportunities and constraints for implementing integrated land–sea management on islands Aug 30, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Ridges To Reefs Fisheries
Using machine learning to advance synthesis and use of conservation and environmental evidence Aug 17, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Evidence-based Conservation
IUCN Report Guides Practitioners in Selecting Tools for Ecosystem Services Assessment Aug 14, 2018 Blog Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity
Tools for measuring, modelling, and valuing ecosystem services Aug 14, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity
Water transactions for streamflow restoration, water supply, and rural economic vitality in the Western US Jun 25, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Sharing Water
China, the UK and US have all now closed domestic ivory markets Jun 21, 2018 News coverage Economics of Chinese Ivory Trade
The sensitivity of ecosystem service models to choices of input data and spatial resolution Apr 13, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Rwanda Natural Capital Accounting
Flood Risks Across the U.S. are Underestimated (in a Big Way) Mar 7, 2018 Blog Water Security
Estimates of Present and Future Flood Risk in the Conterminous United States Mar 7, 2018 Peer-reviewed paper Water Security
Major Findings and tools for green agricultural development in the SAGCOT Feb 21, 2018 Technical report Sustainable Agricultural Intensification
Modeling the soy moratorium in Brazil Dec 5, 2017 Technical report Better Land Use
Land cover change maps Dec 5, 2017 Public database Better Land Use
Distilling the role of ecosystem services in the Sustainable Development Goals Dec 4, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Making Ecosystems Count
Protecting forests in Fiji to give coral reefs a future Oct 30, 2017 Blog Ridges To Reefs Fisheries
The influence of land-use change on water quality and coral reefs Oct 30, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Ridges To Reefs Fisheries
Enhancing water security with investments in watershed services Sep 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Water Security
Logging threatens fish nurseries in Solomon Islands Sep 15, 2017 Blog Ridges To Reefs Fisheries
Ecosystems and human well-being in the Sustainable Development Goals Sep 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Making Ecosystems Count
Where does river runoff matter for coastal marine conservation? Sep 1, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Ridges To Reefs Fisheries
Winners announced for the National Climate Game Jam Sep 1, 2017 News coverage
Video game makers tackle global warming Sep 1, 2017 News coverage
EarthGames on Tap highlights 12 environmental games including Habitat the Game and BlockHood Sep 1, 2017 News coverage
Effectiveness, costs and coastal protection benefits of natural defenses Aug 24, 2017 Blog Coastal Defenses
Adapting resource management to address drought Aug 16, 2017 Symposium Ecological Drought
Defining ecological drought for the 21st century Aug 16, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Ecological Drought
“Go-no go” map highlighting suggested land use in the Yucatan Peninsula Aug 16, 2017 Interactive online tool Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Methodology for improved forest management Aug 16, 2017 Technical guidelines Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Forest carbon flux data for Berau, Indonesia Aug 16, 2017 Public database Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Lidar and RDMs for 5 logging concessions in East Kalimantan, Indonesia Aug 16, 2017 Public database Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Mapping logging impacts in Borneo with GPS and airborne Lidar Aug 16, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Reframing the forestry sharing vs sparing debate Aug 16, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Comparison of carbon emissions in commercial logging in Indonesia Aug 16, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Estimating forest carbon fluxes in Berau, Indonesia Aug 16, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Carbon and biodiversity impacts of different logging schemes Aug 16, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Petunjuk teknis: Penerapan pembalakan berdampak rendah-carbon (RIL-C) Aug 16, 2017 Technical guidelines Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Alianza México REDD+ Aug 16, 2017 SNAPP spinoff initiative Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Observatorio de la selva Maya Aug 16, 2017 SNAPP spinoff initiative Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Programa de fortalecimiento de capacidades del monitoreo comunitario en los bosques de México: Plataforma informática eREDD+ Aug 16, 2017 Interactive online tool Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Bioacoustics reveal how biodiversity changes across Borneo’s logged forests Aug 16, 2017 Blog Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Where logging reigns, going beyond sharing vs sparing Aug 16, 2017 Blog Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Can community-based logging fight climate change? Aug 16, 2017 News coverage Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Calculating uncertainty in the forest carbon equation Aug 16, 2017 Blog Forest Sharing or Sparing?
Tradition and conservation worldviews collide in Melanesia Aug 16, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Assessing Biocultural Indicators
Protecting against coastal hazards in Papua New Guinea Aug 16, 2017 Technical report Coastal Defenses
Integrating natural defenses into a coastal risk management framework Aug 16, 2017 Technical guidelines Coastal Defenses
Incorporating value of coral reefs and mangroves into national wealth accounts Aug 16, 2017 Technical guidelines Coastal Defenses
Lloyd’s Tercentenary Research Foundation: Role of coastal habitats in managing natural hazards Aug 16, 2017 SNAPP spinoff initiative Coastal Defenses
Effectiveness, costs and benefits of nature-based defenses for wave reduction Aug 16, 2017 Public database Coastal Defenses
Nature-based solutions: Lessons from around the world Aug 16, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Coastal Defenses
Effectiveness, costs and coastal protection benefits of natural defenses Aug 16, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Coastal Defenses
Ecosystems provide flood defense in a changing climate Aug 16, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Coastal Defenses
Mapping mangrove ecosystem provides management insights and objectives Aug 16, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Coastal Defenses
Why we’re not prepared for the coming decades of sea level rise Aug 16, 2017 News coverage Coastal Defenses
Why we're not prepared for the coming decades of sea level rise Aug 16, 2017 News coverage Coastal Defenses
How much do wetlands reduce property damage during hurricanes? Aug 16, 2017 Blog Coastal Defenses
As flood risks rise, engineers, ecologists and economists come together Aug 15, 2017 Blog Coastal Defenses
Enlisting faith in the fight to save the planet Aug 15, 2017 News coverage
Why conservation needs religion Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper
Pilgrim cities around the world go greener Aug 15, 2017 SNAPP spinoff initiative
Letter of conscience from French President Francois Hollande to Paris COP21 attendees Aug 15, 2017 News coverage
Water sharing dashboard: Easily input data and evaluate river flow Aug 15, 2017 Interactive online tool Sharing Water
Indicators for evaluating environmental water transaction programs Aug 15, 2017 Public database Sharing Water
Valuing visitor fees and access in Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Rwanda Natural Capital Accounting
Natural capital accounting integration critical for sustainable economic growth Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Rwanda Natural Capital Accounting
Rwanda looks to national parks as part of a peaceful, hopeful future Aug 15, 2017 Blog Rwanda Natural Capital Accounting
Fisheries management guidebook for non-fisheries managers Aug 15, 2017 Technical guidelines Data-limited Fisheries
Secure sustainable seafood from developing countries Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Data-limited Fisheries
Market solutions for lessening economic impacts of marine reserves Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Data-limited Fisheries
Framework for integrating marine reserves into fishery assessments Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Data-limited Fisheries
New process helps managers make informed decisions, even in data poor fisheries Aug 15, 2017 Blog Data-limited Fisheries
Steering a new course for Kenya’s fisheries Aug 15, 2017 Blog Data-limited Fisheries
The path to sustainable fisheries is paved with data Aug 15, 2017 Blog Data-limited Fisheries
Watershed conservation tool measures water quality degradation Aug 15, 2017 Interactive online tool Water Security
Where, when, and how spills are likely to occur Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Hydraulic Fracturing
Frequently spilled materials and risk to drinking water Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Hydraulic Fracturing
Visualizing spills data from unconventional oil and gas wells Aug 15, 2017 Interactive online tool Hydraulic Fracturing
International Impact Initiative (3ie): Land use change and forestry impacts Aug 15, 2017 SNAPP spinoff initiative Evidence-based Conservation
How can socially equitable conservation interventions improve human well-being? A systematic review protocol Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Evidence-based Conservation
What are the effects of nature conservation on human well-being? Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Evidence-based Conservation
Sustainability: Map the evidence Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Evidence-based Conservation
What don’t we know about conservation & human well-being? Aug 15, 2017 Blog Evidence-based Conservation
Evidence for nature and people data portal Aug 15, 2017 Interactive online tool Evidence-based Conservation
Can Beijing’s ivory ban save the elephants? Aug 15, 2017 News coverage Economics of Chinese Ivory Trade
Official announcement of China’s ivory ban from December 30, 2016 Aug 15, 2017 News coverage Economics of Chinese Ivory Trade
Chinese researchers explore how to implement ivory ban Aug 15, 2017 News coverage Economics of Chinese Ivory Trade
Ivory trade restrictions in China and U.S. critical to saving elephants Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Economics of Chinese Ivory Trade
Options for Chinese authorities to implement a domestic ivory trade ban Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Economics of Chinese Ivory Trade
China must act decisively to eradicate the ivory trade Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Economics of Chinese Ivory Trade
Impact of terrestrial runoff on reef fish populations Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Ridges To Reefs Fisheries
A tale of two pods: The impacts of land-use change on reef fisheries Aug 15, 2017 Video Ridges To Reefs Fisheries
Reducing the impact of palm oil development on coral reefs Aug 15, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Ridges To Reefs Fisheries
Logging degrades nursery habitat for an iconic coral reef fish Aug 14, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Ridges To Reefs Fisheries
Seafood for thought Aug 14, 2017 Blog Open Ocean Aquaculture
Mariculture study examines species’ trade-offs Aug 14, 2017 News coverage Open Ocean Aquaculture
Study indicates improving perceptions of aquaculture Aug 14, 2017 News coverage Open Ocean Aquaculture
Offshore aquaculture: I know it when I see it Aug 14, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Open Ocean Aquaculture
Snapshot of aquaculture species’ sustainability and tolerance to changing conditions Aug 14, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Open Ocean Aquaculture
Changing public perceptions of aquaculture from 1984-2015 Aug 14, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Open Ocean Aquaculture
CGIAR: Landscape-level planning for sustainable development in the SAGCOT Aug 14, 2017 SNAPP spinoff initiative Sustainable Agricultural Intensification
Urban water blueprint Jun 21, 2017 Interactive online tool Water Security
China water blueprint Jun 21, 2017 Technical report Water Security
Indicators for flood mitigation opportunities for 70 Latin American cities Jun 21, 2017 Public database Water Security
Conserving nature for water security Jun 21, 2017 Interactive online tool Water Security
City water map: Data for international water sources Jun 21, 2017 Public database Water Security
One size does not fit all for Latin American water funds Jun 21, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Water Security
Degraded watersheds cost water utilities $5.4 billion per year Jun 21, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Water Security
Watershed degradation costs global cities $5.4 billion in water treatment annually Jun 21, 2017 Blog Water Security
Watershed protection? There’s an app for that Jun 21, 2017 Blog Water Security
Wildlife Conservation Society: Amazon Waters Initiative Jun 21, 2017 SNAPP spinoff initiative Amazon Waters
Amazon aquatic ecosystem spatial model Jun 21, 2017 Public database Amazon Waters
Dorado catfish has the longest freshwater fish migration Jun 21, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Amazon Waters
A spatial river basin framework for Amazonian aquatic conservation Jun 21, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Amazon Waters
How will climate change impact hydrology in the Amazon Basin? Jun 21, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Amazon Waters
Extraordinary migration of giant Amazon catfish revealed Jun 21, 2017 News coverage Amazon Waters
Águas Amazônicas: Escalas, conexões e desafios Jun 21, 2017 News coverage Amazon Waters
Gallatin Valley water exchange Jun 21, 2017 Management plan Sharing Water
Development – agriculture, energy, mining – threatens remaining natural lands Jun 21, 2017 Peer-reviewed paper Hydraulic Fracturing